
Just keep asking: What is going through my head? What is going through my head? What is going through my head? And you will see what is going through your head, and these things will diminish like smoke as the breeze of your inquiry nudges these things along...and soon you are asking: What is going through my head? What is going through my head? What is going through my head? - - And there's nothing. Nothing but that question. And then the question goes away. And then you have those perfectly balanced, nothing gaps in brain activity where it's an absolute nothing in your head. Until something else comes and then you again start asking: What is going through my head? What is going through my head? What is going through my head?
Letting go by actually pondering the definition of 'letting go' and engaging directly in it, as you have just defined it: "Letting go means not holding onto this or that. Not holding on to this or that means your mind is not engaged with something from minutes ago, it is observing what is coming in right now: it is observing the stiffness in the back, it is observing the sound of the car motor down the street, it is observing the refrigerator compressor turning on. Letting go means not hanging on. Letting go frees me to observe what is happening RIGHT NOW. Letting go means your mind is a tunnel that things flow through, things do not become encased, they flow through and are gone, they may cycle back through, but then they are gone again. Define very clearly what letting go is and do it. Sometimes, if you repeat the words "Let go let go let go," the words start to loose their meaning, and your just saying the words and the clutter in your head remains and these words are there with the clutter. If you keep your mind on what letting go is...If you have let go, you are now observing the new things that occur because your mind is not occupied by the thing that you let go of. Whatever that was.


billy said...

sometimes mind is the enemy. keeps you from focusing on the now which is all that matters. by the way this is remixed from

Bobby said...

That book really put a hook in me, The Power of Now

billy said...

yea it is a powerful read.

Spooki said...

Hey there, just wanted to say that I've been following your blog since I was in 8th or 9th grade. I'm 36 now and I am taking a creative writing course at Duke University. For some reason I thought of your blog; I hadn't visited in probably over ten years but still remembered the URL off the top of my head. I am so happy that your blog still exists. I once had a blog on this site, but it's probably been lost to time. Anyway, I'm so glad you're still around. I'm so glad I still enjoy the things that you write.

Bobby said...

Thank you, wow. Good luck with your writing course. I have taken a few of those, here and there, over the years.

I'm not sure where people do their writing online these days... blogger is so old school.